Planet Willi

film type animated film Production Country Germany production year 2015 runtime 10'09 colour
screening format DCP aspect ratio 1.78:1 (16:9) sound format Stereo languages Deutsch Subtitles Englisch
screening format Media File (ProRes, mp4, mov) aspect ratio 1.78:1 (16:9) sound format Stereo languages Deutsch Subtitles Englisch

The planet, Willi comes from, must be a wonderful place. People are allways happy and nobody gets ill. That's why after landing on our Planet Earth, Willi got very, very ill. Willi nearly got back in his spaceship and flew back to his own planet, because he couldn't take it here anymore. Luckily, he didn´t do so.

Official Trailer:

director Sören Wendt Animation Sebastian Rau, Sören Wendt Schnitt / Editing Sören Wendt Bildgestaltung / DOP Sören Wendt Produktion / Production Sören Wendt Drehbuch / Script Sören Wendt Original-Filmmusik / Original Score Nils Kacirek Tongestaltung / Sound Design Roman Vehlken
KLAPPE AUF! Kurzfilmfestival, Hamburg, Germany (Teampreis)
Internationales Trickfilm-Festival Stuttgart (ITFS), Germany
mo&friese Kinder Kurzfilm Festival, Hamburg, Germany
Anibar International Animation Festival, Peja, Republic of Kosovo
OderKurz-Filmspektakel, Oderaue, Germany
Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg, Germany
DOK Leipzig - Internationales Leipziger Festival für Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm, Germany
Nordische Filmtage Lübeck, Germany
Stuttgarter Kinderfilmtage, Germany
  • Sören Wendt
  • Kurzfilm Agentur Hamburg
  • Stine Wangler
  • Bodenstedtstr. 16
  • 22765 Hamburg
  • +49 40 39106328

Sören Wendt

Since 1998 he is working as an animator/filmmaker;
in 2001 he founded TRIKK17 to produce music videos/commercials/free animation films;
now he`s a freelancer and produces his own free films

2001 –
2012 over 40 Commercials, Musik Videos and TV-Episode Films
2003 Marundes Landleben
2011 Flimmerndes Inferno
2012 Romy, ich bin krank