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Bende Sira - Ich bin dran
It`s my turn!

film type experimental film, fiction Production Country Germany production year 2007 runtime 11'00 colour
screening format 35mm aspect ratio 1.85:1 sound format Dolby Digital languages Türkisch Subtitles not necessary

A declaration of love to the cinema. In a suburb of Istanbul, a few kids play a game...

director Ismet Ergün Besetzung / Cast Coskun Düz, Lorin Merhard, Mert Metin Özdemir, Sadi Somer, Semih & Samet, Tuana merhard Original-Filmmusik / Original Score Enis Rotthoff Schnitt / Editing Isabel Meier, Svenja Cussler Bildgestaltung / DOP Ilker Berke Drehbuch / Script Ismet Ergün Tongestaltung / Sound Design Christoph Oertel
Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, Paris, Berlin, France
Middle East International Film Festival, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Geneva International Film Festival Tous Ecrans, Genf, Switzerland
International Filmfestival Sahashat, Ramallah, Palestine, State of
Izmir International Short Film Festival, Turkey
Bamberger Kurzfilmtage, Germany
Trieste Film Festival, Italy
Locarno International Film Festival, Switzerland (Silberner Leopard)
interfilm Berlin: Internationales Kurzfilmfestival, Germany (Bester Deutscher Film)
  • interfilm Berlin Management GmbH
  • Cord Dueppe
  • Straßburger Str. 55
  • 10405 Berlin
  • Deutschland
  • +49 30 25942903

Ismet Ergün

Born in Konya, Turkey;
lives in Berlin since 1972;
apprenticeship as a child care worker;
studied at the Berlin University of the Arts, freelance painter, stage designer, art director resp. production designer