76 - 108

film type experimental film Production Country Germany production year 2005 runtime 5'00 colour
screening format 35mm aspect ratio 1.37:1 sound format Dolby SR

76-108 - the musical denotation of Andante. A vaguely determined measure that does not refer to a theme, but strives towards an open window of interpretation. A cinematic zone, in which something is urging to become a tale. Two elusive figures are awestruck by their fragile desire to reach each other, just as the viewer, in his hopes, isn´t able to dive into the projection screen. An orphaned, introverted space rejects itself. Breathing suffocates the gaze.

director Viktor Hoffmann Animation Jan Goldfuß Besetzung / Cast Claudia Weidenbach, Peter Maza Liszt Schnitt / Editing Viktor Hoffmann Drehbuch / Script Viktor Hoffmann Bildgestaltung / DOP Christoph Iwanow film school Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
International Film Festival Rotterdam, Netherlands
TIE - International Experimental Cinema Exposition, Denver, USA
Emergeandsee Filmfestival, London, Berlin, Budapest, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
CAMERIMAGE International Film Festival, Lodz, Poland
CURTA CINEMA - Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival, Brazil
KunstFilmBiennale, Köln, Germany
International Audiovisual Festival, Baku, Azerbaijan (Jurys Special Prize)
  • Viktor Hoffmann
  • Helmholtzstraße 16
  • 10587 Berlin
  • +49 163 9202588
  • Viktor Hoffmann
  • Helmholtzstraße 16
  • 10587 Berlin
  • +49 163 9202588

Viktor Hoffmann

Born 1976 in Syktywkar/Russia;
1991 emigration to Germany;
2004 degree from the Faculty of Architecture, Bauhaus University Weimar;
since 2005 film studies in Vienna, in the class of Michael Haneke

2002 Saat
2003 Gute Nacht Geschichte
2005 Quasi una Favola
2006 Sonntagsschicht
2006 Aus einer Liturgie