Making Off (Germania Dreamland)

film type experimental film Production Country Germany production year 2017 runtime 22'55 colour
screening format DCP aspect ratio 1.78:1 (16:9) sound format Dolby Surround languages Deutsch Subtitles Englisch

Pictures narrate a film, and a voice narrates a film. They meet, drift apart, and chance upon each other again. We learn of a woman, her dreams and dependencies. We see Berlin as an amusement park: Tempelhof airfield, Hasenheide park, the ILA grounds. We see involvement in a system that promotes war and displacement.

director Istvan Gyöngyösi Schnitt / Editing Istvan Gyöngyösi Bildgestaltung / DOP Istvan Gyöngyösi Produktion / Production Istvan Gyöngyösi Drehbuch / Script Istvan Gyöngyösi Tongestaltung / Sound Design Istvan Gyöngyösi
2018 DOK Leipzig - Internationales Leipziger Festival für Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm, Germany
2018 Nominierung Deutscher Kurzfilmpreis 2018
  • Istvan Gyöngyösi
  • sixpackfilm
  • Gerald Weber
  • Neubaugasse 43/13
  • 1070 Wien
  • Österreich
  • +43 1 526099012
  • Istvan Gyöngyösi

Istvan Gyöngyösi

Born in Vienna and based in Berlin;
film, media art and music curator (Zeitfluss, Sommerszene Salzburg, Diagonale, Donaufestival Krems et al.);
staff member of the German film magazine REVOLVER