Was wahrscheinlich passiert wäre, wäre ich nicht zuhause geblieben.
What probably would have happened, if I hadn't stayed at home.

film type experimental film, fiction Production Country Germany production year 2020 runtime 20'12 colour
screening format DCP aspect ratio 1.33:1 (4:3) sound format Dolby Surround languages Englisch, Deutsch Subtitles Englisch
screening format 35mm aspect ratio 1.33:1 (4:3) languages Englisch, Deutsch Subtitles Englisch

Things, words, humans. Five people, one living room. Outside, on the street, cars are set on fire and there is no good smell coming from the kitchen. Only after the wine has been spilled, the issue with the dark matter has been resolved and everybody has stopped expecting food long ago, the music is turned up. You need to suffer in order to be beautiful. Open-mouth surgery, hell is always oneself. In the orbit of the always same, the always similar, always the other humans, words, things.


director Willy Hans Besetzung / Cast Anne Rohde, Anthoula Bourna, Felix Maria Zeppenfeld, Hauke Heumann, Rabea Schubert, Victoria Schulz Schnitt / Editing Willy Hans Produktion / Production Willy Hans, Karsten Krause/ Fünferfilm Drehbuch / Script Willy Hans Bildgestaltung / DOP Paul Spengemann Tongestaltung / Sound Design Jakob Spengemann
2020 Venice International Film Festival, Italy
2020 Internationale Hofer Filmtage, Germany
2020 Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, Switzerland
2020 Cork Film Festival, Ireland
  • Willy Hans
  • +49 176 25245104
  • http://www.spengemanneichberggoldkamphans.de
  • Kurzfilm Agentur Hamburg
  • Stine Wangler
  • Bodenstedtstr. 16
  • 22765 Hamburg
  • +49 40 39106328
  • http://sales.shortfilm.com

Willy Hans

Born in 1982;
studied film and fine arts at the University of Fine Arts Hamburg (HFBK);
his films were twice nominated for the German Short Film Award and shown at the Locarno Festival and the Venice International Film Festival

2010 Affenstunde
2013 Der fremde Fotograf und die Einsamkeit
2014 Das satanische Dickicht - EINS
2015 Das satanische Dickicht - ZWEI
2017 Das satanische Dickicht - DREI