x-xx-x-xx-gewobenes papier
xx-x-x--xx weaved paper

film type experimental film, animated film Production Country Germany production year 2014 runtime 6'00 colour
screening format DCP aspect ratio 1.66:1 sound format Dolby Surround
screening format DCP aspect ratio 1.66:1 sound format Stereo

A 6-minute film, made from 8 citylight posters, weaving alike with alike, creating a digital interference tapestry. The film’s movements layer into the mechanical depths of the weaving process. It perforates, pixelates, de- and re-constructs the image into interferences that result in a 1.6 x 2.2 m paper tapestry.

Official Trailer: https://vimeo.com/86498951

director Michel Klöfkorn Animation Alexander Dumitran Schnitt / Editing Michel Klöfkorn Bildgestaltung / DOP Michel Klöfkorn Produktion / Production Michel Klöfkorn Drehbuch / Script Michel Klöfkorn Tongestaltung / Sound Design Michel Klöfkorn
2014 Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg, Germany
2014 Fylkingen Stockholm, Sweden
2014 Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest, Germany
2014 DOK Leipzig - Internationales Leipziger Festival für Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm, Germany
2014 Open-Air Filmfest Weiterstadt, Germany
2014 VIENNA SHORTS, Wien, Austria (asifa best avantgarde animation)
2014 New Horizons Film Festival, Wroclaw, Poland
  • Michel Klöfkorn
  • Kai Middendorff Galerie
  • Kai Middendorff
  • Kai Middendorff Galerie
  • Kai Middendorff

Michel Klöfkorn

Born 1967 in Cuxhaven;
1990-1997 studies at the Offenbach Art and Design University;
director of experimental films, animation films and music clips

1995 echtzeit
2004 3,48€
2009 n.n.
2010 /...flüssiges papier
2011 ich fahre mit dem fahrrad in einer halben stunde an den rand der atmosphäre
2014 x-xx-x-xx-gewobenes papier