Gerson Liebl, grandson of a German colonial officer from Togo, has been fighting to get German citizenship and residency permission for the last 30 years. As a last-ditch effort he resorts to a hunger strike. Images of his unwavering persistence in front of the Rotes Rathaus cityhall in Berlin are accompanied on the soundtrack by statements, testimonies, clauses from laws, legal texts, political positions and prevarications - then and now.
Originally trained as a medical doctor and cultural anthropologist in Berlin, Moritz Siebert studied documentary filmmaking at the National Film and Television School in the UK. He lives in Berlin, where - besides working on his film projects - he continues to practice as a family doctor.
2005 Belgrad Backspin
2008 My Name is Karl
2009 Long Distance
2013 Erntehelfer
2016 Les Sauteurs – Those Who Jump
2019 ma nouvelle vie européenne