Mann mit Bart
Bearded Man

film type fiction Production Country Germany production year 2010 runtime 12'00 colour
screening format Media File (ProRes, mp4, mov) aspect ratio 1.78:1 (16:9) sound format Stereo languages Türkisch Subtitles Englisch, Deutsch

Meral, when you get married one day, make sure he's got a beard, Meral would often hear her grandmother say when she was a little girl. Now Meral is a grown woman trying to explain to her very traditional family that beards are more important to her in ways they could have never imagined.

director Maria Pavlidou Besetzung / Cast Demet Fey, Ferhat Keskin Original-Filmmusik / Original Score Fabian Schulz Szenenbild / Production Design Nora Martin Schnitt / Editing Benno Aselmeyer Tongestaltung / Sound Design Benno Aselmeyer Bildgestaltung / DOP Evin Bilmen Produktion / Production Elisabeth Feltes Drehbuch / Script Ingrid Warnke-Kaltenegger film school ifs internationale filmschule köln
Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg, Germany (Made in Germany Publikumspreis)
  • Elisabeth Feltes
  • Augustastr. 4
  • 51065 Köln
  • +49 174 8253962
  • ifs internationale filmschule köln
  • Monika Bremen
  • +49 221 920188202
  • ifs internationale filmschule köln
  • Monika Bremen
  • +49 221 920188202

Maria Pavlidou

Born in 1984;
studied media technology at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne;
2008 switched to studying directing at the ifs internationale filmschule köln

2008 Gebt der Avantgarde das Licht
2009 Kalt Serviert