
film type fiction Production Country Germany production year 2010 runtime 10'00 colour
screening format 35mm aspect ratio 1.85:1 sound format Dolby SR languages Deutsch Subtitles Englisch
screening format DCP aspect ratio 1.85:1 sound format Dolby SR languages Deutsch Subtitles Englisch

Long-term unemployed buddies Mike and Alfred are recruited by their old friend Rasto to work as ice-cream sellers on the beach. They are supposed to be competitors but soon the "invisible hand of the market" brings them together again. The short film comedy is inspired by the well-known "ice-cream seller on the beach" dilemma which American economist Harold Hotelling expounded in 1929 in his essay "Stability in Competition".

director Kai Maria Steinkühler, Markus Mischkowski Besetzung / Cast Harry Weiß, Jens Claßen, Kai Maria Steinkühler, Markus Mischkowski, Rainer Knepperges Drehbuch / Script Kai Maria Steinkühler, Markus Mischkowski Produktion / Production Markus Mischkowski Original-Filmmusik / Original Score Haifaboys, Thomas Weber Schnitt / Editing Marcel Belledin Bildgestaltung / DOP KaPe Schmidt Tongestaltung / Sound Design Siddho Varza
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Germany
Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg, Germany
  • Markus Mischkowski
  • Weißenburgstr. 57, Haus 4
  • 50670 Köln
  • +49 221 725093
  • http://www.westendfilme.de
  • Kurzfilm Agentur Hamburg
  • Anne Jagemann
  • Bodenstedtstr. 16
  • 22765 Hamburg
  • +49 40 39106318
  • http://verleih.shortfilm.com
  • Kurzfilm Agentur Hamburg
  • Stine Wangler
  • Bodenstedtstr. 16
  • 22765 Hamburg
  • +49 40 39106328
  • http://sales.shortfilm.com

Kai Maria Steinkühler

Born 1967 in Cologne;
studied egyptology and African studies in Cologne;
freelance theatre work;
script and director of various short films together with Markus Mischkowski;
lives in Cologne

1996 Westend
1998 Was tun
2001 Westend (feature film)
2004 Wolga
2007 Waldmeister
2010 Wellenreiter

Markus Mischkowski

Born 1966 in Cologne;
studied linguistics in Berlin;
since 1990 author, director and producer of various short films together with Kai Maria Steinkühler;
lives in Cologne

1996 Westend
1998 Was tun
2001 Westend (feature film)
2004 Wolga
2007 Waldmeister
2010 Wellenreiter