Auermühle, Mai 2003
Auermühle May, 2003

film type experimental film Production Country Germany production year 2003 runtime 7'00 colour
screening format 16mm aspect ratio 1.37:1 sound format Mono

In a public swimming-pool before the season starts: Light and shadows change, some clouds move and a girl takes a jump from the 5m board.

director Tobias Schmücking Besetzung / Cast Nina Niermann Original-Filmmusik / Original Score Quastenflosser Schnitt / Editing Tobias Schmücking Drehbuch / Script Tobias Schmücking Tongestaltung / Sound Design Tobias Schmücking Bildgestaltung / DOP Tobias Schm?cking
Short Cuts Cologne, Köln, Germany

Tobias Schmücking

born 1969 in Düren, 1991-98 studies at the University Mainz (fine arts, drawing, film), works as a filmmaker, author, artist and as an illustrator