Based on the various film adaptations of the classic LA PISCINE from 1969, the video work takes the subject of the relationship conversation at the pool as its starting point. While the Mediterranean landscape of the original films is replaced in the re-enactment by a hermetically sealed UV indoor pool scene, the recurring text fragments of the original dialogue are preserved and subtitled to form references to the frozen, thousandfold repeated couple conversation in the film. Who talks to whom and about whom here remains unknown, the roles played evaporate in the androgyny of their protagonists. The contours of beginning and end, body and gender, lie and truth become blurred in the hazy, inert milieu of a time beyond productivity.
Have produced several experimental documentary films on 16-mm film as a duo;
their works were shown internationally in exibitions and at film festivals;
live and work in Cologne
2014 Sonntag, Büscherhöfchen 2
2015 Desert Miracles
2016 Ocean Hill Drive
2017 One Hour Real
Have produced several experimental documentary films on 16-mm film as a duo;
their works were shown internationally in exibitions and at film festivals;
live and work in Cologne
2014 Sonntag, Büscherhöfchen 2
2015 Desert Miracles
2016 Ocean Hill Drive
2017 One Hour Real