When Abou finally made it to Europe, it felt like a new life had started for him. A life with a future. But while his film about his voyage to Europe is shown all over the world, he lives isolated in a German refugee home. A reflection about Europe’s invisible borders and filmmaking as an act of self-empowerment.
Earned a MA in English language from the University of Bamako, Mali;
worked as a teacher, driver, constructions worker, market carrier and filmmaker;
currently lives in Berlin, where he continues to make films and studies to become a pre-school teacher
2016 Les Sauteurs – Those Who Jump
Originally trained as a medical doctor and cultural anthropologist in Berlin, Moritz Siebert studied documentary filmmaking at the National Film and Television School in the UK. He lives in Berlin, where - besides working on his film projects - he continues to practice as a family doctor.
2005 Belgrad Backspin
2008 My Name is Karl
2009 Long Distance
2013 Erntehelfer
2016 Les Sauteurs – Those Who Jump
2019 ma nouvelle vie européenne