Akiko Takakura is one of the last living survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. During Obon she is haunted by memories. Her father was a very strict man. But the horrors of the atomic bomb changed everything. In the midst of total destruction, Akiko finally experiences fatherly love.
Official Trailer: www.vimeo.com/tigerunterwegs/obontrailer
Born 1980 in Moscow, Russia;
dreamed about becoming a clown or a superintendent and became an animator;
studied animation at the Academy of Film and Television "Konrad Wolf";
since 2011 freelance animator in Berlin and New York
2008 Hello Antenna
2009 Hokus-Pokus
2010 Weiß kein Weiß
2012 Little Plastic Figure
2012 Augen zu
2013 Fish
2016 Der Mann ist groß
Is a freelance director and lecturer for film and media science at academies such as Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, FU Berlin, University Ulm, University Marburg, FTII Pune and Whistling Woods Mumbai;
graduate of the Professional Program in Screenwriting at the University of California (UCLA)
2003 Viva Los Angeles!
2004 Das Manifest
2006 Drei Leben - Hanoi
2006 Calcutta Calling
2006 atemlos
2008 Blumen für den Freund
2011 Father‘s Prayer
2012 Loden, der kleine Mönch
2013 Sharuk sucht das Glück
2014 Bhavini - Ich will nur Tanzen!
2015 Mo - Ich kann Fliegen
2015 Andrew mit Pauken und Trompeten
2016 Cieras Song
2016 Tsering - Nur der Himmel ist höher
2016 Gaurav und die Drachen
2016 Crowley - Jeder Cowboy braucht sein Pferd
2018 Ari und das Totenfest
2018 OBON
2019 Ringside