film type animated film, documentary film Production Country Germany production year 2015 runtime 29'34 colour
screening format DCP aspect ratio 1.78:1 (16:9) sound format Dolby Digital languages Deutsch Subtitles Englisch
screening format Media File (ProRes, mp4, mov) aspect ratio 1.78:1 (16:9) sound format Dolby Digital languages Deutsch Subtitles Englisch

This animated documentry follows a family in 1987 from East Germany to a small holiday home on the Baltic Sea near the border to West Germany and gives an insight into the unusual reality and day to day normalities of holidaying in East Germany close to the border.


Official Trailer: https://vimeo.com/139331623

director Falk Schuster Animation Alexander Schmidt, Falk Schuster, Nicole Bauer, Tim Romanowsky Szenenbild / Production Design Alexander Schmidt, Falk Schuster, Tim Romanowsky Schnitt / Editing Falk Schuster Bildgestaltung / DOP Falk Schuster Drehbuch / Script Falk Schuster Original-Filmmusik / Original Score Peter Piek Produktion / Production Ralf Kukula Tongestaltung / Sound Design Florian Marquardt
DOK Leipzig - Internationales Leipziger Festival für Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm, Germany
2015 Animateka - International Animation Film Festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Balance Film GmbH
  • Ralf Kukula
  • Friedrichstr. 14
  • 01067 Dresden
  • http://www.balancefilm.de

Falk Schuster

Born 1980 in Oschatz, former GDR;
2003 to 2009 studied at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle;
in 2008 attended European Animation Masterclass advanced training programme;
since 2009 working as an independent filmmaker for animated films

2009 Laufende Geschäfte
2011 Ast mit Last
2013 A racers sketchbook
2015 Die Weite suchen
2018 Bei Nacht erwacht
2018 Die Tochter