YUGOTRANSPORT - Wir sitzen alle im selben Bus
YUGOTRANSPORT - We Are All on the Same Bus

film type fiction Production Country Germany, Serbia production year 2023 runtime 22'38 colour
screening format DCP aspect ratio 1.78:1 (16:9) sound format Dolby SR languages Bosnisch, Kroatisch, Deutsch, Serbisch Subtitles Englisch, Deutsch

Thirty years after the Yugoslavian war and the fall of communism, workers from the ex-YU states find themselves on the same "bus" again. But this time not over communist utopian ideals, but under capitalist reality. They are all seasonal workers on a road towards a better future and prosperity, their new promised land - Germany. And just when it seems that all the hope on this journey is gone, the savior appears to help them all.

Official Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeIQj8fnr6A&ab_channel=InternationalFilmFestivalRotterdam

director Boris Hadžija Drehbuch / Script Boris Hadzija, Esther Preußler, Andreas Kouba Original-Filmmusik / Original Score Misha Cvijovic Schnitt / Editing Branka Pavlovic Bildgestaltung / DOP Anselm Belser Produktion / Production Maximilian Feldkamp film school Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB)
2023 International Film Festival Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB)
  • Am Studio 16
  • 12489 Berlin
  • http://www.dffb.de
  • Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin
  • Maximilian Feldkamp
  • Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin GmbH
  • Boris Hadzija
  • Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin GmbH
  • Boris Hadzija

Boris Hadžija

Boris Hadžija is a Serbian filmmaker and musician born 1990 in SFR Yugoslavia and currently living in Berlin. He received his MA Classical Piano from the University of Arts Belgrade. He studied film directing at the FAMU and at the DFFB.

2020 Zurück in den Westen
2021 Ein einfaches Ereignis
2022 YUGOTRANSPORT - Wir sitzen alle im selben Bus
2024 Mother is a Natural Sinner