Die Wirkung des Geschützes auf Gewitterwolken
The Effect of Cannonry on Thunderclouds

film type documentary film, experimental film Production Country Germany production year 2017 runtime 30'00 colour
screening format DCP aspect ratio 1.78:1 (16:9) sound format Dolby Digital languages Deutsch Subtitles Englisch

Waves, storms and tornadoes are heading for Germany. The climate scenario becomes a lot of hot air, data sloshing everywhere, shitstorms or floods of refugees. Language and images are instruments of control. They are used to dispel and instill fear. How close are manipulation and prediction? Is the weather still real?

Official Trailer: https://vimeo.com/239856681

director Juliane Jaschnow, Stefanie Schroeder Schnitt / Editing Juliane Jaschnow, Stefanie Schroeder Bildgestaltung / DOP Juliane Jaschnow, Stefanie Schroeder Produktion / Production Juliane Jaschnow, Stefanie Schroeder Drehbuch / Script Juliane Jaschnow, Stefanie Schroeder Tongestaltung / Sound Design Juliane Jaschnow, Stefanie Schroeder, Holger Reissig
2017 DOK Leipzig - Internationales Leipziger Festival für Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm, Germany (-)
2017 Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest, Germany
2018 Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg, Germany (Jurypreis Deutscher Wettbewerb)
2018 Transmediale Berlin, Germany
2018 Leiden Shorts, Netherlands
2018 KURZSUECHTIG - Mitteldeutsches Kurzfilmfestival, Leipzig, Germany
  • Juliane Jaschnow
  • http://www.filz.works
  • Juliane Jaschnow
  • http://www.filz.works
  • Juliane Jaschnow
  • http://www.filz.works

Juliane Jaschnow

Studied photography and media art at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig;
holds a Bachelor’s degree in communication and media sciences;
participant of the Professional Media Master Class and PMMC Lab of Werkleitz Society;
member of the Film Initiative Leipzig FILZ

2014 Die Angst des Wolfs vor dem Wolf
2015 [?d??kl??d????lant]
2016 False Awakening

Stefanie Schroeder

Studied art education and art history at the University Greifswald;
co-organizer of the WBS70 culture centre;
guest student in media art at the HFG Karlsruhe and exchange student at Villa Arson in Nice;
studies in photography at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig;
participant of the Professional Media Master Class and PMMC Lab of Werkleitz Society;
member of the Film Initiative Leipzig FILZ

2014 Ein Bild abgeben
2015 [?d??kl??d????lant]
2017 40h, max. 2 Monate